about ionysis
ionysis is an innovative company from Freiburg, build upon 10+ years of R&D on catalyst coated membranes for fuel cells and electrolyzers.
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people behind ionysis
ionysis boasts a team of 26 dedicated scientists and engineers from diverse cultural backgrounds who share a passion for exploring uncharted territory and contributing to a sustainable world.
how it all started
since 2018
R&D on hydrocarbon-based fuel cells and electrolysis at Hahn-Schickard and University of Freiburg​
Q1 2024
Start of electrolysis development and growth to 25 FTEs
Q3 2023
successfull technology validation on fuel cell short stack
Q1 2023
First development contract and european EIC funding secured
Q3 2022
Seed funding and operational start of ionysis GmbH
Q3 2024
CCM coating line in clean room environment
stay tuned!